Putin in Hanoi: A new era of Russian-Vietnamese cooperation | Opinion

Editor's note: researcher at the Institute of European Studies at the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Professor Nguyen Canh Toan.

Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, on Wednesday, June 19, for a state visit. In 2024, the 74th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Vietnam is being celebrated, along with the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on the Fundamental Principles of Friendship. Cooperation between the two countries has deep historical roots and continues to develop at all levels.

In 2012, Vietnam elevated its relations with Russia to a comprehensive strategic partnership, marking an important milestone in bilateral relations. Political trust and mutual understanding between the countries are constantly being strengthened through regular exchanges of delegations and high-level contacts. These ties serve as the foundation for promoting cooperation in all areas. Both sides are developing cooperation through various channels: from party ties and state diplomacy to local-level interaction and public diplomacy. An especially important aspect is the strengthening of warm feelings between the peoples of the two countries, which contributes to the further deepening of bilateral relations.

Vietnam and Russia share positions on many international and regional issues and closely coordinate their actions on the international stage, especially within the framework of the United Nations. This cooperation makes a positive contribution to the development of both countries and also helps maintain peace, stability, and cooperation in the world and the region. One of the key topics of President Putin's visit to Vietnam will be the strengthening of economic cooperation between the countries to surpass the 10 billion dollar mark in trade turnover. Both countries are striving to simplify the settlement system and improve conditions for trade. Vietnam's main export goods to Russia include phones and components, computers, agricultural products, seafood, textiles, and footwear.

However, the Russian market faces numerous difficulties and obstacles. The main problem is the lack of centralized and stable trading representations of Vietnamese exporters in this market. This limits their ability to adapt to changes in consumer preferences and compete with similar products. One of the promising areas of bilateral cooperation is scientific and technical interaction and high technology. Vietnam and Russia can cooperate in the fields of security, defense, and economic development, including the production of electronic chips and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Vietnam is striving to develop clean energy, including solar and wind power, as well as nuclear energy. Cooperation with Russia in these areas will promote innovation and the development of new technologies. Every year, Vietnam sends 1,000 young people and students to Russia for education, which contributes to the exchange of knowledge and strengthens cultural ties between the countries. These educational programs lay the foundation for future professionals capable of strengthening and developing relations between the two countries.

Cooperation between Vietnam and the EAEU countries is still developing slowly and faces various obstacles, including investment barriers and legal complexities. Nevertheless, the potential for developing these ties remains high, especially in the production of electric vehicles and motorcycles.

Russian-Vietnamese relations continue to develop and strengthen, covering an increasing number of areas of cooperation. President Putin's visit to Hanoi will be an important step in strengthening these ties, opening new opportunities for joint development and prosperity for the two countries. This visit not only emphasizes the importance of bilateral relations but also opens new horizons for future cooperation. Mutual visits and exchanges of views create a unique opportunity to address global challenges and ensure the stable development of both countries.

Russian-Vietnamese cooperation has many facets, each contributing to the strengthening of bilateral relations. Political interaction between the countries is the foundation for other forms of cooperation, such as economic and cultural. Regular high-level meetings allow the leaders of the two countries to discuss important issues and find ways to solve them. Economic cooperation between Russia and Vietnam is also at a high level. Both countries strive to increase trade volumes and improve conditions for trade. Vietnamese goods are in demand on the Russian market, but there are certain difficulties that need to be overcome for further trade growth.

Scientific and technical cooperation opens up new opportunities for both countries. Vietnam and Russia can jointly develop and implement new technologies, which will contribute to economic development and improve the standard of living for the population. Educational programs play an important role in strengthening cultural ties between countries. Young people and students studying in Russia gain knowledge and experience that they can apply for the benefit of their countries.

An important aspect of bilateral relations is cooperation in the energy sector. Vietnam is striving to develop clean energy, and Russia can offer its technology and expertise in this area. This cooperation will promote sustainable development and reduce the negative impact on the environment.

International cooperation also plays an important role in relations between Russia and Vietnam. Both countries actively participate in the work of international organizations and coordinate their actions on the international stage. This allows them to jointly address global problems and contribute to maintaining peace and stability.

Russian-Vietnamese relations have great potential for further development. President Putin's visit to Vietnam will be an important step in strengthening these ties and opening up new opportunities for cooperation. Both sides aim to develop their relations for the benefit of their peoples and for the prosperity of the two countries.

President Putin's visit to Vietnam not only emphasizes the importance of bilateral relations but also opens new horizons for future cooperation. Mutual visits and exchanges of views create a unique opportunity to address global challenges and ensure the stable development of both countries. Let this visit be the starting point for new successful projects and the strengthening of friendship between the peoples of Russia and Vietnam.

(If you possess specialized knowledge and wish to contribute, please reach out to us at [email protected]).


