New Stage: deepening military ties between Azerbaijan and China | Opinion

The visit of a delegation of the Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation of the People's Liberation Army of China to Azerbaijan has opened new horizons for strengthening bilateral relations.

This significant event included an important meeting held at the Department of International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan. This meeting, which brought together representatives of the Azerbaijani Army and the People's Liberation Army of China, discussed the current situation and prospects for the development of military cooperation between the two countries.

A key moment of the meeting was the exchange of views on the upcoming work in the field of planning joint activities in the area of military education. This further emphasizes the strategic importance of cooperation and opportunities for deepening interaction. The importance of such meetings was especially highlighted during the subsequent visit of Azerbaijan's Minister of Defense Colonel General Zakir Hasanov to the People's Republic of China in late October 2023.

During this visit, Hasanov met with the Deputy Chairman of the Central Military Council of the People's Republic of China, General He Weidong. They discussed prospects for the development of cooperation in military, military-technical, and military-educational fields, as well as other mutual interests, which emphasizes the two countries' long-term orientation towards cooperation.

Deepening military cooperation between Azerbaijan and China serves the interests of both countries and contributes to the strengthening of peace and stability in the South Caucasus region. This cooperation includes not only the training of officers and commanders but also the production of light armored vehicles, which is especially important for mountainous terrain conditions.

Additionally, China is actively expanding interaction in the field of military-technical cooperation, which includes the promotion of its military and dual-use technologies.

The partnership between the Chinese Academy of Space Technology and Azercosmos in the use of telecommunications satellites is a vivid example of such cooperation. Strategic coordination and the strengthening of joint efforts in developing infrastructure for trans-border and multimodal transportations between Azerbaijan and China underscore the growing influence of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor on the regional and global economy.

Furthermore, the active participation of Chinese business in the restoration of liberated territories of Azerbaijan, including the creation of "smart villages", construction of photovoltaic power plants, and development of information and communication technologies, indicates the deep and multifaceted nature of interaction between the two countries. These projects not only promote economic recovery but also support the transfer of technologies and knowledge, which is crucial for the long-term development of the region.

The volume of bilateral trade between Azerbaijan and China, which last year increased by 44% and reached a mark of 3.1 billion dollars, confirms the strengthening of economic ties. This enhancement of trade relations allows both countries to derive mutual benefits, deepening cooperation in areas such as technological exchange and the development of innovative projects.

Particularly promising are joint research and projects in fields where China is a global leader, such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and cybersecurity. This collaboration opens new opportunities for Azerbaijan in gaining access to cutting-edge technologies and improving its research and technological competencies.

The expansion of military cooperation, including training in Chinese military academies and participation in joint exercises, also plays a key role in improving the professional training and operational compatibility of Azerbaijani military personnel. This, in turn, contributes to the strengthening of security and stability in the South Caucasus region.

Ultimately, the visit of the delegation from the Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation of the People's Liberation Army of China to Azerbaijan and subsequent high-level meetings underscore the importance and potential of bilateral relations. Strengthening military and economic cooperation not only contributes to the development of both countries but also to the stability in the South Caucasus region, opening new opportunities for further cooperation and deepening the positions of both countries on the international stage. This cooperation becomes the basis for creating closer relations, which can extend to other areas, including culture, education, and technology. Each of these steps contributes to strengthening overall well-being and security, making the cooperation between Azerbaijan and China an example of successful strategic partnership in the contemporary multipolar world.

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