Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan eye expanding military-technical cooperation

On June 5, Azerbaijan’s First Deputy Minister of Defense, Chief of the General Staff, Colonel General Karim Valiyev arrived in Uzbekistan on an official visit at the invitation of his Uzbek counterpart Major General Shukhrat Khalmukhamedov, the Defense Ministry’s press service told News.Az.

A delegation led by Colonel General K. Valiyev visited Heydar Aliyev Square in Tashkent and laid a wreath in front of the monument to the National Leader, and honoured the memory of the Great Leader.

Then, Valiyev met with his Uzbek counterpart. A solemn welcoming ceremony was held at the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The Chiefs of the General Staff of both countries passed along the guard of honour, and the National Anthems of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan were performed.

Prospects for the development of cooperation in the military, military-technical, and military-educational spheres were discussed at the meeting.

The sides also held a detailed exchange of information on other issues of mutual interest.
The visit of the Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijan Army to Uzbekistan will last until June 7.


