Huawei Tech Carnival and Partner Summit 2024: Redefining Data Storage for the Data Awakening Era

The Huawei Tech Carnival and Partner Summit 2024, a three-day event held in Baku, also featured the Huawei Innovative Data Infrastructure Forum. Focused on the theme "Data Awakening: Constructing Advanced AI-Ready Data Infrastructure," the forum offered insights into the future of data and AI.

Summit opened with Derek Hao, President of Enterprise Business for Huawei Middle East and Central Asia, emphasizing commitment to pioneering intelligent infrastructure solutions fueling digital growth across industries. "Huawei is eager to be your trusted technology partner, driving digitalization in the Middle East and Central Asia. AI is now shaping the world, accelerating economic growth and intelligent transformation across industries" said Hao.

Afterwards, Vusal Khanlarov, head of the Bureau on ICT for Education under the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, began by extending gratitude to Huawei for their dedication and for selecting Azerbaijan as the venue for this significant event. Highlighting the benefits of the technology in educational ecosystem he mentioned that “We are committed to harnessing technology to shape a brighter future for our youth and lead in educational innovation. With robust ICT infrastructure and AI, we should be able to create a dynamic learning environment, empowering students to thrive in the new era.

Vusal Khanlarov, Head of the Bureau on ICT for Education under the Ministry of Science Addressing the Audience

Furthermore, he remarked that with strong ICT infrastructure, AI advancements, and dependable data solutions, they will lay the groundwork for a prosperous future for the youth of Azerbaijan, providing them with the knowledge, expertise, and assurance to flourish in the upcoming era.

He extended appreciation to their collaborator Huawei for organizing this remarkable gathering in Baku and facilitating discussions on their requirements with diverse stakeholders and associates.

Following, Mukhitdinov Zikrulla, Deputy Director of Uzbekistan's D-Government Project Management Center, delved into the topic of Accelerating Public Service Innovation with All-Flash Data Infrastructure. He discussed how Huawei data storage infrastructure enhances government operations, leading to faster responses and improved services. This innovation streamlines procedures, fosters flexible governance, and emphasizes the importance of planning, cybersecurity, and staff training.

Mukhitdinov Zikrulla, Deputy Director of Uzbekistan's D-Government Project Management Center Delivering a Speech on Accelerating Public Service Innovation with All-Flash Data Infrastructure

After this important subject, Dr. Peter Zhou, Vice President of Huawei and President of Huawei Data Storage Product Line, captivated the audience with a discourse on "Redefining Data Storage in the Data Awakening Era". Dr. Zhou envisaged the future of data storage as being propelled by multiple capabilities, including ultra-performance, data resilience, a new data paradigm, scalability, sustainability, and data fabric. “In the era of data awakening, Huawei is redefining data storage and has launched new-gen storage OceanStor A800, helping customers build leading AI-ready data infrastructure.”

Dr. Peter Zhou, Vice President of Huawei and President of Huawei Data Storage Product Line, delivering a speech

During the second part of the event, at the Huawei Global Optical Summit, three key trends in the F5G industry were explored: "Fiber-in, Copper-Out," "fgOTN-in, SDH-out," and "Optical-Sensing-in, Hard-Work-Out." Additionally, the summit showcased the latest FTTO 2.0 solutions, E6600 series fgOTN equipment, and the third-generation DCI device, DC908 Pro, building a foundation for industry intelligence. These offerings aim to drive digital transformation across industries in the Middle East and Central Asia region.

The second day of the Huawei Tech Carnival and Partner Summit 2024 in Baku proved to be a vibrant exchange of insights, with presentations, discussions, and interactive sessions captivating participants. Delving into cutting-edge methods for constructing data infrastructure crucial for the effective execution of artificial intelligence projects, experts generously shared their invaluable practices and strategies, igniting the audience with fresh perspectives and approaches to data management.

Central to the day was the establishment of a dynamic platform fostering experiential exchange and the forging of business connections. Participants actively engaged in dialogues, exploring opportunities for collaboration and partnership within the realms of data infrastructure and AI advancement. This collaborative atmosphere catalyzed the genesis of novel ideas and strategies, setting a promising course for the industry's evolution.

Established in 1987, Huawei has evolved into a premier global provider of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices. With more than 207,000 employees, the company has established a reliable presence in more than 170 countries and regions, meeting the needs of more than 3 billion people worldwide.

