Construction works starts in Mahruzlu, Zilanli villages of Gubadli

Reconstruction has commenced in the villages of Mahruzlu and Zilanlı in Qubadli district, Azernews reports, citing the Recovery, Construction, and Management Service in Jabrayil, Qubadli, and Zangilan.

Based on the master plan of both villages, land works have been completed, house foundations have been laid, and concrete works are underway.

It has been reported that the village of Mahruzlu in the Qubadli district is located 19 kilometres from the district centre. The total planned area of the village is 197 hectares. In the first phase, the construction of 190 houses and the resettlement of 836 people are planned on an area of ​​40.27 hectares. The village is also planned to have a school building, kindergarten, administrative building, community centre, multifunctional building, market complex, sports-health centre, medical point, ceremony hall, and tea house.

It is noted that construction has also begun in the village of Zilanlı in Qubadli. This village is located 20 kilometres from the district centre, and its total area is 180.04 hectares. In the first phase, the construction of 193 houses and the resettlement of 926 people are planned on an area of ​​43.5 hectares. The village will also have a school building, kindergarten, family-health centre, administrative building, community centre, and sports centre.

The houses to be built in both villages will be two-room, three-room, four-room, and five-room. It is planned to complete the construction works of the first phase in both villages by the end of this year and to arrange the first migration to the constructed houses.


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