Norwegian travelers visit Khudafarin Bridge in Azerbaijan’s liberated Jabrayil

A delegation of the Norwegian National Club of International Travelers visited the Khudafarin Bridge in Azerbaijan’s Jabrayil district liberated from occupation, News.Az reports.

The visitors got acquainted with the ancient monument of Azerbaijani architecture connecting the northern and southern banks of the Araz River - the Khudafarin Bridge.

The foreign travelers were told about the history of the bridge and its once key role in the Great Silk Road.

A delegation of the Norwegian National Club of International Travelers Vagaclub, led by the famous traveler Jorn Augestad, is in the territories of Azerbaijan liberated from occupation. Norwegian travelers will see the traces of Armenian vandalism in Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur.

This tour is the tenth trip of an international delegation to the territories of Azerbaijan, liberated from the Armenian occupation.


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