Azerbaijani servicemen take part in EFES-2024 multinational exercise

The implementation stage of computer-assisted command-staff exercise with the participation of servicemen from different countries is being held during the EFES-2024 multinational exercise, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry told News.Az.

At the initial stage of the exercise, the preparatory process of the exercise control headquarters was held, briefing was given on the scenario and tasks to be accomplished.

The command-staff exercise is focused on exchanging experience, organizing the joint activities of the military personnel of the participating countries, increasing the decision-making skills of staff officers on the map, as well as further improving their level of professionalism and training.

Moreover, computer-assisted command-and-control systems applied at the headquarters of the multinational Joint Task Force were worked out by the exercise participants.

Under the plan, various tasks are fulfilled on the basis of interference entering the multinational headquarters at the implementation stage of the exercise.

The servicemen of the Azerbaijan Army together with other participants involved in the exercise successfully accomplish the assigned tasks.

It is worth mentioning that, computer-assisted command-staff activities and practical classes with live fire will conducted within the EFES-2024 multinational exercise, to be held until May 30.


