Representative of Azerbaijani President: "COP29 is important event when it comes to climate change and consequences that all countries face"

"When it comes to one of the greatest problems of the world - climate change and consequences that all countries face, the COP 29 is an important event," said Representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on special assignments Elchin Amirbayov said in his interview with Correio Braziliense newspaper, APA reports.

Hosting a prestigious event like COP29 is also a huge responsibility that helps raise domestic awareness of climate issues. As our country is known as a hydrocarbon country with an economy based on natural gas and oil exploration, we realized that we should ensure the transition to green and renewable energy, which has been one of the strategic goals of our government for several years," he said.

Representative of President has also noted that Azerbaijan is trying to strengthen trade relations with Brazil.

E. Amirbayov has also touched upon future steps in Azerbaijani-Armenian relations.

"The future steps are clear, because we are now in the process of negotiating the text of the peace agreement prepared by Azerbaijan and presented to Armenia a year and a half ago. Important work has already been done on this text, but there are still some issues that need to be resolved. We believe that we will do everything possible to complete this work in the coming months, because we believe that the agreement will create an important context for the peaceful coexistence of the two countries in the years and decades to come. There is an excellent opportunity to put an end to this hostility once and for all," added the Representative of the President of Azerbaijan on Special Assignments.

