Azercell congratulated top female IT students (VIDEO/PHOTO)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, September 23. On 20
September, Azercell executives met with a group of female students
who achieved the highest scores in the 2023-2024 entrance exams for
Information Technology (IT) specialties. The event was attended by
Shirin Aliyeva, Chief Legal, Ethics and Compliance Officer, Dilara
Huseynova, Director of Human Capital Management Department and Sona
Abbasova, Director of the Corporate Communications Department.
“Azercell is committed to empowering women. We are proud to
celebrate your exceptional academic achievements. Choosing a path
in IT requires both courage and vision. At Azercell, we are
dedicated to supporting the next generation of IT specialists and
will be by your side every step of the way, encouraging your
growth. I believe that creative and intelligent young women like
you are laying the foundation for a more innovative and inclusive
society”, stated Shirin Aliyeva, extending her congratulations to
the students.
Dilara Huseynova shared information about an internship program
available for the girls during their bachelor education: “Azercell
creates extensive opportunities for young people in IT/ICT field,
with a particular focus on enhancing the skills and knowledge of
female employees. Our goal is to nurture talented young people and
prepare them for successful careers in the IT industry”.
Sona Abbasova, in turn, discussed the company's corporate social
responsibility strategy, highlighting initiatives aimed at
empowering women and supporting their professional development.
During the meeting, the students were presented with valuable
gifts and a free subscription to the “SuperSən 10GB” tariff package
for 6 months.

Azercell extends its congratulations to all the students who
earned their bachelor’s degrees this year and wishes them continued
success and achievements.
It should be noted that the list of students was provided by the
State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan according to
the results of selection for academic specialties.

