Norwegian travelers arrive in Azerbaijan's Aghdam

A delegation of 30 representatives of Norway's National Club of International Travelers, Vagaclub, arrived in Aghdam as part of a trip to Karabakh and East Zangezur.

The travelers witnessed the consequences of Armenian vandalism in Aghdam as well as familiarized themselves with the construction works carried out by Azerbaijan after the liberation of the city from occupation.

The delegation also visited Aghdam's Juma Mosque.

To note, the visit of the delegation of foreign travelers to the territories of Azerbaijan liberated from occupation started on May 2. The delegation of 30 representatives of Norway's National Club of International Travelers, Vagaclub, is headed by Jorn Augestad. The delegation will visit Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur for 3 days, traveling along the Fuzuli-Shusha-Aghdam-Lachin-Jabrayil route.

Meanwhile, nine visits to Karabakh and East Zangezur were made over the past four years by representatives of the main travel networks: ETIC, MTP, TCC, NomadMania, as well as the Turkish Travelers Club, the British Piki Reels, and the Swedish Club 100. 

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