Azerbaijan hosts forum on social media within framework of Global Baku Forum

A panel titled "Social media: Creation of a bridge and barrier between people and cultures" was held within the framework of the Vl Global Baku Forum, APA reports.

Luchin Rhazul, director of the Cultural Affairs Department of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, delivered speech at the panel.

He noted that one of the main opportunities social media created is the facilitation of cultural exchange and sharing of experiences.

“Communication between people and sharing of different ideas on social media is positive. However, the negative effect is that this space can convey wrong information and misinform users. Sometimes different algorithms show inappropriate content to people on social media. This is especially the case when minors use social networks. I think that the dissemination of false information via social media leads to the deepening of conflicts at the global level.”

Fernando Lottenberg, Organization of American States (OAS) Commissioner to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, in his speech, brought to attention the spread of harmful content on social networks.

“Hate speech on social networks has increased by 30 % compared to last year. The pages directly related to neo-Nazi movements also play a special role in this matter. I think that measures should be taken to ensure that quality information is more accessible to people when they use social networks. They are currently spreading hate speech through Facebook or X social networks. In particular, the expansion of the concept of freedom of expression plays a special role here.”

Sohail Mahmood, the Director General of the Institute of Strategic Studies emphasized that one of the important elements to be encouraged on social networks is interreligious peace and cooperation issues.

Speakers pointed out that social networks are the main driving force behind the widespread hatred among religions. Such cases can be prevented by guiding users to the right path.

During the discussions, it was emphasized that there is a great need to educate society in order to combat hateful speech and such content, which is mostly spread on the X social network

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