Nobel laureate Aziz Sanjar to visit Azerbaijan

At the next meeting of the Praesidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), the issue of the arrival of Aziz Sanjar, an honorary member of ANAS and Nobel laureate, to the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was also discussed, Azernews reports.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli, President of ANAS, said that at the General Meeting of ANAS held on November 29, 2023, Nobel laureate Aziz Sanjar was elected an honorary member of ANAS.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli formally requested Aziz Sanjar's visit to ANAS to present him with the diploma and card of Honorary Member and to facilitate extensive discussions with the scientific community of Azerbaijan. This request was warmly accepted by the Nobel laureate.

During the meeting, the Presidium decided to organize Aziz Sanjar's visit to ANAS from May 30 to June 6 at a high level.


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