Azerbaijan and Türkiyə play an important role in Europe's energy security, Prime Minister says

“The volume of mutual investments between Azerbaijan and Türkiyə evokes satisfaction,” said Ali Asadov, Prime Minister of Azerbaijan at the press conference held following meeting of Türkiye-Azerbaijan Joint Economic Commission, APA reports.

The Prime Minister said that an agreement was reached on the continuation of mutual investment: “We gave tasks to the relevant institutions regarding the review of new joint projects. The huge projects we have implemented together are changing the world energy map. Our countries play an important role in Europe's energy security. Both the governments of Azerbaijan and Türkiye are ready to assist in the increase of dialogue between business circles. The high level of trust and confidence in each other in our states suggests that the business dialogue will continue successfully. The results of this visit will stimulate further development of bilateral relations. The strong ties between our presidents are the most important factor affecting the development of our relations. I am sure that the cooperation between our states will continue in all fields.”

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