British politician Patricia Scotland visits Azerbaijan [PHOTOS]

The famous British politician, Secretary General of the "Commonwealth" organization, Patricia Scotland, visited Azerbaijan at the invitation of the "Tahir Gozel Development Initiative" organization. The lady diplomat, who heads the organization representing 56 countries that entered the territory of the former Great Britain Empire, visited the grave of National Leader Heydar Aliyev and prominent ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva. During the visit to the alley of honor, Patricia Scotland was also informed about various thinkers who left a mark in the history of our country.

Later, a meeting was held with media representatives. Many socially important issues were discussed at the conference.

Answering the journalists' questions, the guest noted that holding the COP29 in Azerbaijan, which is the most urgent issue of this year, is of great importance for our country and expressed confidence that Azerbaijan will cope with this prestigious event at a high level, as in other global projects. Stating that the "Commonwealth" organization is doing important work in the fight against climate change, the diplomat said that the whole world should be sensitive to this issue. He spoke about the danger of risks that will arise as a result of global warming and noted that small island states located in the oceans may face a tragedy.

Patricia Scotland said that she is carefully following the steps taken by Azerbaijan in the direction of transition to "green energy", and the research and application of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy in our country is a very right decision. He said that new opportunities have arisen in the period when artificial intelligence and other technologies have developed so much, and noted that the whole world should be united as in the fight against the coronavirus.

In the end, the guest expressed his satisfaction with being in Azerbaijan and said that the organization he represents wishes peace and friendship to the whole world and believes that the climate crisis will be overcome.


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