ECO Official: Election of Azerbaijan's Shusha as tourist capital will increase flow of tourists to Garabagh

“Our goal in electing Azerbaijan’s Shusha city as the tourism capital of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) member states is to promote this city in the member countries,” said Hasan Tufan, ECO Programme Officer for Tourism in his statement to APA-Economics.

He said that then member states promote the chosen capital cities in the tourism events and exhibitions they participate in: “Also, after the election of Shusha as the capital in 2026, we will ask Azerbaijan to hold a number of events there. The election of Shusha as the tourism capital will increase the tourism potential of Garabah in general. With the liberation of Garabagh from occupation, quite a few travelers from a number of countries, especially from Türkiye, and Youtube bloggers came to those lands and made publicity about the region.”

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