UN chief distressed by deaths caused by floods in East Africa

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is deeply distressed to hear of the hundreds of lives lost and many others affected by heavy flooding in Burundi, Kenya, Somalia and Tanzania and other parts of East Africa, said his spokesman on Wednesday, APA reports.

Guterres extends his condolences to the governments and people of the countries affected, especially the families of those who have died or been injured in this disaster, said Stephane Dujarric, the spokesman, in a statement.

The United Nations and its partners are working closely with national authorities to address humanitarian requirements. The secretary-general stresses that the UN stands ready to offer additional assistance at this difficult period, said the statement.

Guterres is extremely concerned about the impacts of El Nino-triggered extreme weather, which risk further devastating communities and undermining their livelihoods, it said.

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