If we do not learn from this tragedy, this will not be last Gaza war - Turkish foreign minister

Failing to draw lessons from the ongoing tragedy in the Gaza Strip risks opening the way for more conflict in the Palestinian enclave, Türkiye's Foreign Minister warned on Sunday, APA reports quoting Anadolu Agency.

"If we do not learn from this tragedy and pursue a two-state solution to the crisis, this will not be the last Gaza war. Other wars and more tears will await us," Hakan Fidan said in an interview with Saudi state-owned news broadcaster Al-Arabiya.

"We need to urge Israel to accept the 1967 borders. All Palestinians, not just Hamas, agree to establishment of Palestinian state based on 1967 borders," Fidan told the Riyadh-based channel.

He warned that tensions between regional rivals Iran and Israel could boil over into larger war. "While the situation appears calm for now, this potential always exists," Fidan cautioned.

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